Medium Primary
small Primary
LARGE Primary
Medium Secondary
small Secondary
LARGE Secondary
small Alert
medium Alert
Medium success
small success
LARGE success
Medium White
small White
Primary Med Outline
Primary sm Outline
PrimLARGE Outline
Sec-Med Outline
Sec-sm Outline
Sec-LG Outline
Suc-Med Outline
Suc-sm Outline
Suc-LG Outline
alert-Med Outline
alert-sm Outline
alert-LG Outline
Out-med White
Out-sm White
Out-LG White
This is a title
This is a title with a linkTitle link is here
This is an example of link color
This is an example of link hover state color
Title Text-Heading 1
Title Text – Heading 2
Title Text – Heading 3
Title Text – Heading 4
This is Paragraph font
Paragraph font bold
Paragraph font italic
This is a formatted quote
This is a bulleted list:
- bullet one
- bullet two
- bullet three
- bullet four
This is a numbered list:
- number one
- number two
- number three
- number four